Epilepsy is a very rare condition
It is common disease (one in 1000 person can have epilepsy)
Put some metal objectinto patient's mouth, to prevent injury to tongue
It will actually harm the patient
It’s a permanent disease and you will need to take medications life-long
Almost 80 per cent patients can control their seizure if they take medicines regularly
During the attack, one should hold patient down
This may lead to shoulder dislocation
You can stop the seizure without drugs
Seizure subsides only by itself of with medication
All people with epilepsy have lower intelligence levels
This is very uncommon
Epilepsy can spread by physical contact such as touching or cough.
Epilepsy is not contagious
People with epilepsy are violent and destructive
Epilepticpatient is in general similar to healthy individuals
Epilepsy adversely affects productivity
People with epilepsy can live life like a normal person.
This is a mental illness
It is a disease of brain
Epilepsy is a curse
Epilepsy is a medical condition and not a curse
One can get seizure even by seeing water
It is not so. However to avoid an accident, the patient should not go into the water